Tenant Handbook

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Mail Service

Individual tenant mailboxes are located in the Russ Building Mail Room on the ground floor across from the garage cashier. These boxes are for the delivery and distribution of mail from the U.S. Postal Service only. Courier and overnight delivery services should be directed to deliver packages directly to your office. If you need a key for your mailbox or the box itself is in need of repair, please contact the Building Office at 415 421 7424. All other problems regarding postal deliveries, including misdeliveries, should be directed to the Postal Service supervisor for this area who can be contacted at 415 536 6411 or through a drop box located in the mailroom.


The Post Office suggests that people wishing to correspond with your firm use your suite number and the 4-digit code at the end of your zip code for more efficient service. Since this 4-digit code varies according to suite number, you must call the postal service to obtain this code. For questions regarding postal service please dial 1 800 ASK USPS (1 800 275 8777).


For your convenience there are drop boxes for Overnite Express and UPS in the basement. For questions regarding these boxes, please call Overnite Express at 800 683 7648 and UPS at 1 800 PICK UPS (1 800 742 5877). For Federal Express locations and services call 1 800 GO FEDEX (1 800 463 3339).


If your company will be arranging nightly courier service, please provide the Building Office with vendor name, proof of insurance and schedule of pick-ups.


Please note that the building staff cannot sign for packages or other deliveries to tenants. If you are expecting a delivery, please make alternate arrangements to have it delivered or picked up upon your return or rerouted to another address.